Brown Palindrome

I smack the keys with intent finger tips
For my intestines are full
and ready to blow

the burrito, oh that fucking burrito
beans, tortilla, cheese, chorizo and egg
don’t forget the egg, greasy pork too

It’s a gurgling gasping gaggling gushing garble of goo
and it wants to evacuate

ah shit…
this damn potty mouth
what was I saying, oh yeah
what else?

we like to talk about it, share it with our
significant others, friends, schoolmates

we describe it in metaphorical terminology
descriptions of size, matter, consistency, and color

Macadamia chunks, someone told me
funny that was
two boys of drinking age in Hawaii
drunken dialogue of defecation

Hershey squirts, another said
funny that was
disgusting really
a Willy Wonka shit factory

A snake, pickle, churros
now that was funny
one could visualize that
a piping bag full of brown batter-
curling up in a sizzling fryer
to be dipped in cinnamon sugar and devoured
by the children

Maybe that was too much
Yeah, you’re right

But we all do it
or says the book, “Everyone poops”
I haven’t googled it, but it seems to be

So poop is good
Some not so good
Plants eat and defecate oxygen
Could use some more of that right now

Breathing heavy, need the toilet
And as I sit and wait
For the explosion
Like a 4th of July, firework poop rising into the atmosphere

I wonder:

Do Aliens poop?
They must
If so,
Where does it go?
Up I guess

Published by JackScottHunt

Jack Scott Hunt is the author behind The Gateway of the Sun, and The Axon Drive. He is a professional chef, guitarist, food gardener, philosophile, poet, short-story and novel writer. His work across multiple disciplines explores narratives of worldly and otherworldly human experience. Jack has spent the past twenty years tirelessly working on his craft. Two time winner and participant of NaNoWriMo. His short stories, poems and plays can be found on his website and Wattpad.

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