Brittle Magnets

Brittle human electromagnets collide

Their light-bodies forming interlocked jaggedness

Songs sung on different strings

Individualistic tones strumming on different charts

And yet, there is interconnectivity

Through the bouncing wire, fingertips pulsating, feeling, reaching out

Connecting through the disconnect

Matching bits and pieces, molding and remodeling

Their fleeting clockwork align, interwoven gears

Temporal unison, hammered out like the BANG!

Of the blacksmith’s mallet. BANG!

Dualistic self realizations

The years go, one after the other

And again, there’s another one

They hang on for those moments that keeps the adhesive on the wound

Another one and still another, maybe this is the one!

Through repetition the strands straighten by the hammer of the god

Of time, of assimilation, through the comfort and predictability

Compatibility through the times of discomforting

Aloneness, oneness, ownness, Loch Ness

For deep, deep, deep in the deep deep lake

The darkened lake lurks the hungry beast

Readying itself to rise up, poke its head through

Then fly out in a torrential fire and waste

Torching the sinew and connective tissue

Burning, blinding, burying, dying

Their gravitational pull… splits

Buried up to their teeth in ash, sunken in the mire

And yet, once more, they rise once more

Drive their submarine of desiring

For someone new, or to find themselves again anew

Repairing their brittle magnets

Published by JackScottHunt

Jack Scott Hunt is the author behind The Gateway of the Sun, and The Axon Drive. He is a professional chef, guitarist, food gardener, philosophile, poet, short-story and novel writer. His work across multiple disciplines explores narratives of worldly and otherworldly human experience. Jack has spent the past twenty years tirelessly working on his craft. Two time winner and participant of NaNoWriMo. His short stories, poems and plays can be found on his website and Wattpad.

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